Bathtub Reglazing Steps
This Bathtub needs to be reglazed as it has quite a bit damage on floor and outer panel. It also has extensive wear on the floor. Customer has changed the surround tiles, however because changing the Bathtub requires lots of expense, time and aggravation. The customer made a wise decision to Reglaze the Bathtub instead of replacing it.
Step1: Inspect the tub thoroughly to understand the requirements to refinish it. This tub has typical ware, it needs some chip repair, through cleaning and sanding in order to get it ready for reglaze
Step2: Thoroughly clean the Bathtub with strong commercial cleaners and sand entire surface with wet/dry sand paper. Use 80 grit for bottom and 120 for other areas. Also thoroughly sand demerged areas so that no rust is around the chips and these areas are ready for repair
Step 3: After sanding, tape areas around the chips before filling them for repair. This will help to contain the repair putty just on the damaged part so when you are smooth the repaired area you know where to sand
Step 4: Apply the filling to chips: Prepare your putty and apply it to damaged areas. You can use single razor blade to push the putty to damaged area to make sure there is no bubble between tub surface and putty. Tilt your razor blade to 45 degrees and push a little when you are scraping the putty through the damaged area this will make sure that chip is fully filled. Try to keep the repaired area as much smooth as possible, this will help you save time when sanding to get a smooth finish.
Step 5: Remove tape the drain, cover surround wall and floor so it does not get sprayed. By this time your repair area should be dry and ready to be sanded. Remove the masking tape from repaired area and sand it with a 220 grit dry sand paper. Do not put pressure while sanding, just let the sand paper d its work. The surface is ready to be painted when you don’t feel a bump while moving your bare finger from tub surface over to the repair area. Remove all the dust after sanding and make sure that there are no derbies on the tub. It is recommended to blow air over the tub to make sure that no particles on tub surface
Step 6: Setup your ventilation system: It is extremely important to setup exhaust/ventilation system to reduce harmful fumes coming from the spray material. Make sure that entire area is well ventilated. It is highly recommended that none except the spray technician remains in the spray area during Bathtub is being sprayed on.
Step 7: Prepare your material and wear proper safety equipment before start spraying
Step 8: Apply epoxy primer to increase adhesion of the glaze:
Step 9: Spray at least three coats of
glaze, increase material flow at every next coat. Make sure that previous coat
is touch to dry before you start next coat
Step 10: Remove masking and apply caulking around the tub: After you are done spraying desired coats, packup your spray material, ventilation system and any other equipment so that paint is dry enough before you pull the masking. After about 10 minutes of finish spraying pull the making and apply the caulking. You have got a shiny new looking tub which is ready to use after 24 hours.